During consultations with the nurses, doctors and clinical pharmacists, patients may discuss all aspects of sexual health and sexuality including HIV, Hepatitis, sexually transmitted infections, contraception, and health screening (cervical cytology testing/’smears’, breast checks, and testicular examination). All consultations follow the strictest rules of medical confidentiality. If you wish to arrange to speak with a clinician about these, please contact our reception team on 0113 295 4488. Some services may be available via online booking or via the electronic service PATCHs but please see the individual sections on methods for details.
All appointments for these reasons are free. Contraception methods available on prescription are free when issued via the National Health Service either via your registered General Practitioner/GP or via the national network of sexual and reproductive health clinics. We are here to help
Our Services
Please see the links on contraception methods available and for further information on our key services.
Unable to decide? Get in touch with us via LSMP reception on 01132954488 to make an appointment with our trained clinical pharmacists, nurses, and doctors to discuss your options.
Are you already using a method that you started before you arrived in Leeds and wish to continue? Get in touch with us via LSMP reception on 01132954488 to make an appointment with our trained clinical pharmacists, nurses, and doctors to discuss this.
Emergency Contraception
The methods include the copper intrauterine device, the 5-day emergency pill containing ulipristal acetate, and the 3-day emergency pill containing levonorgestrel. It is very important that you seek medical advice as soon you realise that you may need emergency contraception. There is a limited time window for this to take effect so please contact us within 72 hours.
The pills can be purchased in pharmacies without the need to see a doctor at the time. The pills can also be prescribed after a consultation with a trained clinical pharmacist, nurse, or GP at the Practice.
The Practice can offer the copper intrauterine device as an emergency. This may be available after you have consulted with a health care worker to see if this is an option on this occasion for you. This offer depends on individual circumstances as there may be time restrictions when offering this service as an emergency.
You can contact the Practice on 0113 2954488 during our opening hours to make an appointment with a clinical pharmacist, nurse, or GP to discuss this. Please say on the phone when you call that you need, or think you need, emergency contraception.
Please have a look at the following NHS-approved website for information on the three options.
- Emergency contraception | Contraception Choices
- Where to get the morning after pill (for free) | NHS – YouTube
– please note that the oral method does not just work on the ‘morning after’ as mentioned above. - Emergency contraception pills are available from local pharmacies and from I need emergency contraception – Leeds Sexual Health
Please see the NHS-approved video below if you have opted for the copper intrauterine device as an emergency. You may also want to look at the copper IUD section under ‘Contraception methods’ on this web page.
At Leeds Student Medical Practice, we offer all the currently available methods of prescribed contraception including the different types of contraceptive pills, the patch, the vaginal ring, and all the long-acting reversible contraception methods, also known as ‘LARCs’ for short. The LARC methods include the contraceptive injection, the contraceptive implant, and the intrauterine devices, previously known as “coils”.
How effective your contraception is depending on the type you use and whether you use it correctly.
Some methods are more effective than others. You need to follow the instructions and use your contraception correctly for it to be as effective as possible.
With some methods, such as the implant, there’s no need to remember to take or use them. These are known as methods with “no user failure”.
No contraceptive is 100% reliable, and some can have side effects. Have a look at the following link for more information.
How effective is contraception at preventing pregnancy? – NHS (www.nhs.uk)
This NHS-approved video gives an overview of the methods available in the UK. The video is just under 12 minutes long and has audio as well as subtitles. Access to contraception through LSMP as your GP practice/any GP Practice and the national network of sexual health services is free. Contraception is free on prescription even if you pay prescription charges for other medications.
There are many methods of contraception available. Some methods may be more suitable or effective for you than others. It is highly recommended that you speak with a clinical pharmacist, nurse, or GP at the Practice so they can help you to find the right method for you. Your medical health history, family history and personal choice will all be considered in finding the right method.
You may also want to look at this NHS-approved website for further information on each method: Contraceptive methods | Contraception Choices.
If you have decided what you would like to use, get in touch with us via LSMP reception on 01132954488 to make an appointment with our trained clinical pharmacists, nurses, and doctors to discuss your options.
Please see the link below for information on effectiveness of this method, the benefits and the possible side effects.
- Implant | Contraception Choices
- Fitting the contraceptive implant | NHS – YouTube
- Removing the contraceptive implant | NHS – YouTube
You must have discussed the Implant in detail in an appointment with a doctor, nurse, or clinical pharmacist at Leeds Student Medical Practice prior to being able to make another appointment for the insertion.
If you have decided on this method, or wish to ask further questions, please get in touch with us via LSMP reception on 01132954488 to make an appointment with our trained clinical pharmacists, nurses, and doctors to discuss this.
Information if you are considering or have already booked an appointment for an implant insertion at the Practice.
The timing of the insertion depends on the contraception you are currently using:
- If you are currently using the combined contraceptive pill, the combined transdermal patch, the combined vaginal ring, the progesterone-only pill, the contraceptive injection (Depo Provera or Sayana Press), a copper intrauterine device/ IUD or hormonal Intrauterine System/ IUS (also known as Mirena/Kyleena/Jaydess) the Implant can be fitted at any convenient time. You must continue to use your current method of contraception up to the day of your fitting. You will discuss in your insertion procedure appointment what happens to your previous method of contraception once the Implant is in place.
If you are using condoms, a diaphragm, or natural methods you must either:
- Abstain from sexual intercourse from the first day of your period until the day of your insertion appointment.
- Arrange to use one of the more reliable methods of contraception short term. Condoms are NOT sufficiently reliable however carefully they are used.
You may wish to consider using one of the short-acting methods as a ‘bridging method’ whilst waiting for your insertion appointment as this can make arranging the fitting much easier.
If you do not comply with these important points or have had emergency contraception recently, the doctor/nurse may not be able to fit the implant when you attend and you may need to rebook the insertion appointment.
We recommend that you have a chlamydia/gonorrhoea test prior to your Implant fitting. Please see the page on this website on this test for more information
Copper IUD
Please see the link below for information on effectiveness of this method, the benefits and the possible side effects.
Hormonal IUS
Please see the link below for information on effectiveness of this method, the benefits and the possible side effects.
Information if you are considering, or have already booked, an intrauterine device insertion appointment at the Practice
Make sure you have read the IUD and/or the IUS leaflet that you have been given. Anything you are not sure about should be discussed with the doctor or nurse before you come for the fitting. Arrange to have a Chlamydia test before the fitting – if this has not been done you can get a Chlamydia self-test kit from Reception.
Intrauterine devices/Coils
If you have decided on this method, or wish to ask further questions, please get in touch with us via LSMP reception on 01132954488 to make an appointment with our trained clinical pharmacists, nurses, and doctors to discuss this.
The timing of the insertion of the IUD/IUS depends on the contraception you are currently using:
- The IUS/IUD can be fitted during the first seven days of your cycle – counting from the first day of bleeding of your normal period.
- If you are currently using reliable contraception (the combined contraceptive pill, progesterone-only pill, contraceptive injection (Depo Provera or Sayana Press), the contraceptive implant (Implanon/Nexplanon), vaginal ring NuvaRing, or contraceptive patch Evra) the IUD/IUS can be fitted at any convenient time. Do not stop your current method of contraception. If this is the pill, you must continue to take the pills up to the day of your fitting.
- If you are NOT using one of the above methods, you must not have sexual intercourse from the first day of your period until the day of fitting. (Condoms are NOT sufficiently reliable even if you are very careful how you use them)
- If you are having an IUS/IUD removed or replaced, you must not have sexual intercourse in the seven days before your appointment.
If you do not comply with these important points the doctor/nurse may not be able to fit the IUD/IUS when you attend
On the day of the procedure
- Do not arrange to have your IUD/IUS fitted if you have an important commitment the same day (in case you feel uncomfortable afterwards and/or need to stay in the surgery for a while after the fitting)
- Do not drive to the surgery for your coil fitting appointment (as you may feel too uncomfortable afterwards to drive)
- Have something to eat before you come, this will make you less likely to feel faint during and after the fitting.
- To help with the discomfort take some painkillers (e.g., Ibuprofen 400mg after food) one hour before your appointment.
- The doctor will try to fit the IUD/IUS you ask for but sometimes other factors such as your anatomy and medical history may mean they have to advise something different.
- We ask you to use sanitary towels (not tampons) for the first few days after the fitting.
Please see the link below for information on effectiveness of this method, the benefits and the possible side effects.
Injection | Contraception Choices
If you have decided on this method, or wish to ask further questions, please get in touch with us via LSMP reception on 01132954488 to make an appointment with our trained clinical pharmacists, nurses, and doctors to discuss this.
Oral methods/in tablet form
Combined pill/two hormones
Please see the link below for information on the effectiveness of this method, the benefits and the possible side effects.
Combined Pill | Contraception Choices
If you have decided on this method, or wish to ask further questions, please get in touch with us via LSMP reception on 01132954488 to make an appointment with our trained clinical pharmacists, nurses, and doctors to discuss this.
Progestogen-only pill/one hormone
Please see the link below for information on the effectiveness of this method, the benefits and the possible side effects.
If you have decided on this method, or wish to ask further questions, please get in touch with us via LSMP reception on 01132954488 to make an appointment with our trained clinical pharmacists, nurses, and doctors to discuss this.
Please note that it is also possible to buy progestogen-only pills from pharmacies without a doctor’s prescription. Please ask at your local pharmacy if this option suits you.
Transdermal (Skin) patch
Please see the link below for information on the effectiveness of this method, the benefits and the possible side effects.
If you have decided on this method, or wish to ask further questions, please get in touch with us via LSMP reception on 01132954488 to make an appointment with our trained clinical pharmacists, nurses, and doctors to discuss this.
Vaginal ring
Please see the link below for information on the effectiveness of this method, the benefits and the possible side effects.
The Vaginal Ring | Contraception Choices
If you have decided on this method, or wish to ask further questions, please get in touch with us via LSMP reception on 01132954488 to make an appointment with our trained clinical pharmacists, nurses, and doctors to discuss this.
Barrier methods
Male condoms
Condoms are not available on prescription but can be readily bought from pharmacies and supermarkets.
Please check ‘Leeds Sexual Health’ and ‘MESMAC’ websites for information about access to male condoms in those services
Please see the link below for information on effectiveness of this method, the benefits and the possible side effects.
Female condoms
Condoms are not available on prescription but can be readily bought from pharmacies and supermarkets.
Please see the link below for information on the effectiveness of this method, the benefits and the possible side effects.
Caps and diaphragms
Please see the link below for information on the effectiveness of this method, the benefits and the possible side effects.
If you have decided on this method, or wish to ask further questions, please get in touch with us via LSMP reception on 01132954488 to make an appointment with our trained clinical pharmacists, nurses, and doctors to discuss this.
Please see the link below for information on the effectiveness of this method, its benefits and the possible side effects
Sterilisation (vasectomy and tubal occlusion) – Contraception – Sexwise
If you have decided on this method, or wish to ask further questions, please get in touch with us via LSMP reception on 01132954488 to make an appointment with our trained clinical pharmacists, nurses, and doctors to discuss this. This will require a referral onwards as sterilisation procedures do not take place at Leeds Student Medical Practice.
Natural Family Planning/Fertility Awareness
Please see the link below for information on the effectiveness of this method, its benefits and the possible side effects
Fertility Awareness | Contraception Choices
If you have decided on this method, or wish to ask further questions, please get in touch with us via LSMP reception on 01132954488 to make an appointment with our trained clinical pharmacists, nurses, and doctors to discuss this.

Pregnancy testing
Pregnancy testing kits are available from all pharmacies and many supermarkets. The tests available to buy are very similar to tests available to GP Practices.
If you are concerned that you are pregnant and would like to discuss this, please get in touch with us via LSMP reception on 01132954488 to make an appointment with our trained clinical pharmacists, nurses, and doctors.
Pharmacies may provide free pregnancy testing to those under 25s, please check with your local pharmacy.
What if I am worried if I am pregnant?
Termination of Pregnancy
If you prefer, you can refer yourself directly for termination without seeing us first. You do not need to see a health care worker at the Practice for a referral. Termination of pregnancy is available via the NHS and privately within timeframes identified in UK law.
If you have an unplanned pregnancy and wish to discuss it with us first, you can make an appointment via LSMP reception on 01132954488 to chat to any of our GPs or Practice Nurses who will be happy to support you and help you come to your decision.
You may wish to discuss contraception if you have had a termination of pregnancy. Please get in touch with us via LSMP reception on 01132954488 during our opening hours to make an appointment with our trained clinical pharmacists, nurses, and doctors.
Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea Testing
Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea are common sexually transmitted infections affecting both men and women and can be transmitted through unprotected oral, vaginal, and anal sex. Sometimes they are not easily noticed and can lead to more severe problems if left untreated, which is why it is essential to get tested.
If you do not have any suspicious symptoms, you can collect a Chlamydia and Gonorrhoea self-test kit from our reception desk during our opening hours or ask your doctor/nurse/ clinical pharmacist for a kit when you attend for a face-to-face appointment.
If you are experiencing symptoms including pain passing urine, pain in lower abdomen or pain in testicles, pain with sexual intercourse, change to vaginal discharge, penile or rectal discharge, then please get in touch with us via LSMP reception on 01132954488 to make a face-to-face appointment with one of our trained nurses or doctors. Please do not use the self-test kit if you are having these symptoms as you would benefit from medical advice at the time of the symptoms.
You can find more information about gonorrhoea, chlamydia, and sexual health from this NHS approved website:
Public and Patient Information | British Association for Sexual Health and HIV (bashh.org)
HIV and other related testing
Blood tests for HIV, syphilis, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C are also available at LSMP if you have discussed this with a GP at the Practice in an appointment first.
You can find more information about HIV testing and sexual health in general from this NHS-approved website:
Public and Patient Information | British Association for Sexual Health and HIV (bashh.org)
Testing in Leeds is available in several other settings to enable you to have a choice of time and location. These testing services in Leeds are FREE and confidential.
Leeds Sexual Health is a specialist service which is also available for all your sexual health needs. It is based at The Merrion Centre and other sites around Leeds.
Cervical Cytology testing
This test is not a test for cancer. It is uses as a way of preventing cancer by detecting and treating early abnormalities which, if left untreated, could develop into cancer of the cervix.
Irrespective of their gender, everyone with a cervix between the ages of 25 and 64, is eligible for a free cervical cytology screening test every three to five years. These tests may be more frequent if any changes are found.
Please ask for a cervical smear appointment if you are aged over 24. This will be arranged with one of our Nurses.
Click here for more information about cervical cytology testing, also known as ‘smears’.
Unfortunately, at present, trans men with a cervix may fall out of the automatic national recall system if their gender marker has been changed on their GP health records. One of our trained nurses will contact you if this applies to you based on information in your GP-held medical records but if you feel you are due a smear test or have not had surgery to remove your cervix, please contact us on 0113 295 4488 to arrange a phone appointment to speak to a nurse or GP about this test.
Training in contraception and sexual health
Leeds Student Medical Practice is a centre for training in specialist contraception including intrauterine devices. This means there may be a qualified doctor or nurse, who may be male or female, working alongside the Leeds Student Medical Practice doctor or nurse at your appointment. The doctor or nurse from Leeds Student Medical Practice will be always present. If you are uncertain about any aspects of this, please contact us via reception on 0113 2954488 and we can arrange for you to discuss this.

Useful Resources
- Leeds Sexual Health
- British Association for Sexual Health and HIV
- Brook (the country’s largest young people’s sexual health charity)
- www.patient.co.uk
- NHS Choices website