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Get involved with Leeds Student Medical Practice’s Patient Participation Group (PPG)
What is a PPG?
A Patient Participation Group (PPG) is a group made up of GP practice patients aged 16 years and over, carers of registered patients and members of the GP practice team. The NHS requires every practice to have a PPG.
What is the aim of the PPG?
The aim of this group is to influence the way services are delivered by the practice.
What does participating involve?
To discuss your experience of using the services our practice offers. The group meets in person, several times throughout the academic year. Feel free to attend as often as you like. If you are unable to attend our meetings, you are welcome to share your feedback or suggestions via our PPG email address:
Why join our PPG?
You will help to improve patient experience. You will gain a better understanding of the NHS and gather feedback from other patients. Please know that your views are important and will be listened to. It may not be possible to act on every suggestion, but all feedback is very valuable.
Social Media
To join our private Facebook group, search ” Patient LSMP PPG” and send a friend request. Our administrator will check that you are a registered patient at the practice and will invite you to join our group. You will then be able to send a private message or post to the group wall.